Map Ranking

Envy of the Caffeinated

Tribe name:Envy of the Caffeinated
Number of members:1
Points of the best 20 players24.323
Total points:24.323
Average points:24.323
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 18.396.021 (10.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
pipe748 1 24,323 475 8
We are the Envy of the Caffeinated, united by our shared passion and fueled by our collective spirit. Together, we grind, we brew, we conquer. In the heart of every cup, there's a story waiting to be written. Let's write ours together, fueled by caffeine, driven by passion, and united by a love for the good stuff.

Contact: Wrath

COFFEE - Wrath
C0FFEE - Gluttony
COFF3E - Sloth
COFF33 - Envy
COFFE3 - Pride
C0FF33 - Lust
C0FF3E - Greed