Map Ranking

Sakda smashes a building

Tribe name:Sakda smashes a building
Number of members:20
Points of the best 20 players2.415.511
Total points:2.415.511
Average points:120.776
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 25.265.181 (9.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
aurelian74 1 517,331 79 76
We Siri (CAT) 2 400,240 92 60
rkpublisher (SANY) 3 171,592 155 32
Autistic 4 128,866 179 20
nut123123 (KOBELCO) 5 125,857 182 18
neverdiee 6 103,291 204 19
Motoguro (SUMITOMO) 7 95,168 213 15
Frozen Nachos 8 91,761 219 12
xray1997 9 91,503 220 18
Blueblack12 10 90,644 222 12
chatchai 11 86,660 231 11
Greyhair 12 79,094 247 17
duckygoldz 13 77,017 253 8
danko933 14 65,405 279 9
natrr786 15 60,907 286 14
kuang0022 (JCB) 16 48,778 328 8
blackdeja 17 47,108 335 8
Clown Town (VOLVO) 18 46,429 337 7
VincentiaTH 19 45,211 349 16
PorKR 20 42,649 360 7
Your house, can I have it?

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[We Siri]

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Closed for diplomatic missions

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