Mikha Cristy
Mikha Cristy
Points: | 1.776.563 |
Rank: | 20 |
Opponents defeated: |
4.708.426 (46.)
Tribe: |
Villages (196) |
Coordinates |
Points |
510|402 |
5.878 |
498|417 |
10.787 |
507|418 |
10.787 |
506|418 |
10.787 |
499|393 |
10.787 |
508|391 |
10.787 |
497|412 |
12.055 |
501|417 |
10.713 |
509|418 |
10.485 |
494|387 |
10.713 |
491|413 |
10.713 |
498|416 |
10.713 |
501|389 |
10.713 |
494|395 |
10.787 |
502|416 |
10.787 |
507|414 |
10.713 |
508|419 |
10.713 |
504|420 |
10.713 |
508|415 |
10.812 |
506|413 |
10.971 |
505|411 |
10.787 |
503|414 |
10.713 |
507|412 |
10.787 |
497|394 |
10.713 |
502|417 |
10.723 |
494|410 |
10.971 |
500|419 |
10.713 |
501|416 |
10.713 |
499|390 |
10.713 |
501|390 |
10.713 |
492|414 |
10.713 |
489|414 |
11.130 |
496|414 |
10.713 |
497|413 |
10.713 |
498|414 |
10.713 |
506|417 |
10.713 |
500|417 |
10.872 |
503|417 |
10.713 |
507|413 |
10.713 |
506|414 |
10.713 |
509|420 |
10.713 |
509|410 |
10.713 |
501|411 |
10.713 |
505|413 |
10.713 |
497|420 |
10.713 |
500|418 |
10.713 |
503|418 |
10.713 |
502|410 |
10.713 |
505|408 |
10.713 |
499|412 |
10.713 |
501|413 |
10.713 |
509|405 |
10.098 |
505|421 |
10.713 |
510|416 |
10.971 |
500|415 |
10.713 |
508|410 |
10.713 |
502|414 |
10.713 |
499|419 |
10.713 |
496|418 |
10.515 |
508|404 |
10.515 |
511|415 |
10.713 |
506|404 |
10.713 |
505|405 |
10.713 |
508|405 |
10.713 |
507|405 |
10.713 |
509|406 |
10.713 |
503|406 |
10.713 |
503|407 |
10.515 |
510|407 |
10.713 |
509|407 |
10.713 |
507|406 |
10.098 |
505|406 |
10.213 |
508|411 |
9.857 |
508|412 |
10.713 |
508|390 |
10.713 |
498|395 |
7.116 |
498|394 |
7.812 |
498|390 |
8.108 |
503|390 |
8.013 |
496|396 |
8.108 |
492|385 |
8.223 |
502|395 |
7.647 |
501|388 |
7.029 |
495|396 |
7.122 |
511|394 |
9.520 |
502|389 |
8.108 |
496|395 |
8.013 |
497|391 |
7.204 |
503|394 |
7.696 |
496|392 |
8.108 |
496|389 |
8.514 |
492|412 |
9.923 |
497|389 |
8.108 |
508|397 |
7.728 |
493|408 |
6.321 |
498|387 |
7.933 |
503|392 |
8.013 |
496|394 |
7.273 |
505|390 |
7.867 |
493|391 |
8.223 |
Display all leftover 96 villages
Daily achievements
2x Attacker of the day
Defeat the most units in this world as the attacker.
Best result: on 08.01.2025 (316.097 units)
1x Looter of the day
Plunder the most resources in this world.
Best result: on 08.01.2025 (13.602.173 resources)
2x Great power of the day
Conquer the most villages in this world.
Best result: on 21.12.2024 (35 villages)
1x Supporter of the day
Defeat the most units in this world as a supporter.
Best result: on 21.11.2024 (9.481 units)
3x Gatherer of the day
Scavenge the most resources in this world.
Best result: on 27.12.2024 (11.361.560 resources)
Combat achievements
Death of a hero (Gold - Level 4)
While supporting other villages, lose 100.000 of your units.
Plunderer (Gold - Level 4)
Plunder resources from other villages 10.000 times.
Reliable Commander (Gold - Level 4)
Support other players 3.000 times in battles.
Successful noble claims (Gold - Level 4)
Conquer 100 claimed villages.
Leader (Silver - Level 3)
Defeat a total of 1.000.000 enemy units.
Nobles Faith (Silver - Level 3)
Defeat 100 noblemen in battle.
Robber (Silver - Level 3)
Loot a total of 1.000.000 resources.
Self-attack (Silver - Level 3)
Attack yourself and lose more than 1.000 units in one battle.
Wallbreaker (Silver - Level 3)
Destroy 2.500 Wall levels using your rams.
Conquest (Bronze - Level 2)
Conquer a total of 50 villages.
Master of the Battlefield (Bronze - Level 2)
Completely destroy 250 hostile armies.
The Warlord (Bronze - Level 2)
Attack 25 different players
Demolisher (Wood - Level 1)
Destroy 25 building levels using catapults.
Lucky fellow
Conquer a village by getting the loyalty down to exactly 0.
Conquer yourself, because that's the only way to show them who's boss.
Unlucky fellow
Fail to conquer a village due to the loyalty only being reduced to +1.
Social achievements
Beloved Friend (Bronze - Level 2)
Make a total of 15 friendships.
Brothers in Arms (Bronze - Level 2)
Be a member of the same tribe for 60 consecutive days.
Graduated from an apprenticeship under joshhb.
Philanthropist (Wood - Level 1)
Gift a Premium subscription to 1 player.
Growth achievements
Gatherer (Gold - Level 4)
Scavenge a total of 100.000.000 resources.
Market Guru (Gold - Level 4)
Trade resources using the market 1.000 times.
Recruitment Drive (Gold - Level 4)
Recruit a total of 1.000.000 units!
Architect (Silver - Level 3)
Build a total of 5.000 building levels!
Continent scorer (Silver - Level 3)
Make it into the top 5 of a continent!
Score champion (Silver - Level 3)
Climb the rankings tables and reach 100.000 points.
Top scorer (Silver - Level 3)
Make it into the top 20 in the world.
Wealth comes in gold (Silver - Level 3)
Mint 5.000 gold coins.
Out of time (Bronze - Level 2)
Use the instant complete option 100 times!
Master of Quests (Wood - Level 1)
Complete 40 quests!
Other achievements
Years of Service (Gold - Level 9)
Play Tribal Wars for 9 years.
Battle of the Tower: Ice Wall!
Lead the defense ranking at the end of a battle.
Battle of the Tower: New World Conqueror (Gold - Level 4)
Help your group to annex 25 sectors in the Battle of the Tower.
Battle of the Tower: Superior General!
Lead the attack ranking at the end of a battle.
Achievements on other worlds