Map Ranking

Hide N' Seek

Tribe name:Hide N' Seek
Number of members:12
Points of the best 20 players0
Total points:0
Average points:0
Preferred languages:
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
gibbomd1 1 0 208 0
boogs1 2 0 298 0
Loidasss 3 0 334 0
TjaboBoy 4 0 557 0
sabotabby 5 0 651 0
tkgs16 6 0 1080 0
etayz12 7 0 1083 0
Geafca 8 0 1221 0
AryaBanana 9 0 1226 0
SouthGB 10 0 1287 0
Hamster12345 11 0 1432 0
Nightfuryxxxx 12 0 1433 0
Hidden was founded by Nightfuryxxxx. If you have questions please contact Nightfuryxxxx.

This text can be changed by the tribal diplomats.