Map Ranking


Opponents defeated: 287.303 (557.)
Tribe: |RR|

Villages (60) Coordinates Points
001 - Free Shavacado
355|438 10.495
002 - A Good Victim Bro
356|436 10.495
003 - Look at All Those Chickens
350|438 10.495
004 - Bum Biddy Biddy Biddy Bum
350|435 10.495
005 - Succulent Chinese Meal
356|435 10.283
006 - Im a Lumberjack and Im Ok
360|437 10.495
007 - Aliens Dont Know Karate
353|440 10.495
008 - Can I Bowwow the Bwoom?
362|436 10.495
009 - Merry Chrysler
364|430 10.495
010 - Birds Watch Me
352|443 9.713
011 - He Asked for Minecraft!
350|444 8.715
012 - Days Never Finished
356|438 9.776
013 - Master Got Me Working
357|434 6.869
014 - Who Are All You People!?
356|437 7.804
015 - Hurricane Tortilla
355|439 4.998
016 - I Thought You Said Printer
356|439 3.640
017 - Mother Trucker Dude
354|440 4.208
018 - Potato Flew Around My Room
361|437 3.855
019 - Anotha One
360|438 3.657
020 - Didnt I Tell Ya?
359|438 2.787
021 - Whats 9 + 10?
358|437 3.842
022 - You Want Some?
355|435 2.699
023 - No One Likes You When U R
358|434 2.629
024 - YK Whats Funnier Than 24?
352|440 3.185
025 - Twenny Fiiiiive
352|441 3.268
026 - Mans Not Hot
351|441 2.614
027 - Why Not ArkanSAS?
353|443 2.549
028 - White American NBA Players
351|438 2.563
029 - What Are Thooooose?
360|434 2.269
030 - Dirt Under my Pillow
361|436 2.225
031 - Otuz Bir ;)
361|434 1.782
032 - Live Laugh Lockheed
354|434 1.685
033 - Some Naan, My Nans Dead
355|433 1.749
034 - Oh Look, A Gun!
353|434 1.716
035 - Robert LewanGoalSki
353|433 1.761
352|433 1.436
037 - Yeah, I Sure Hope It Does
349|441 4.787
038 - Dwead Piwate Woberts
351|430 9.686
039 - Got Ma Cheese Wizz Boi?
352|431 5.260
040 - Oh No! Our Table!
349|430 4.639
041 - Im In Me Mums Car
354|431 1.817
042 - The Meaning of Life
351|436 2.985
043 - Switching to Guns
346|435 2.403
044 - Your Dad is Forty Four
349|435 1.660
045 - Jones BBQ and Foot Massage
358|435 5.265
046 - My Leg!!!
353|436 1.119
047 - Can You Feel it Mr Krabs?
352|436 1.034
048 - It Was Tequichhhhla
350|432 1.264
049 - Taking Hobbits to Isengard
347|436 1.202
050 - Tip of the Cricket Bat
347|434 1.324
051 - Circle of Knife
348|436 1.699
052 - Theyre Saying Boooerns
348|434 1.194
053 - Heres BRUUUCEY
348|433 1.160
054 - Eat My Shorts
348|432 1.246
055 - You Better Watch Out
349|433 875
056 - Ive Got a Jar of Dirt!
348|431 794
057 - Max Power, Hes the Man
348|430 1.242
058 - Me Fail English?
345|435 750
059 - Holy Hand Grenade
344|436 879
060 - Yall Need Counselling
350|436 519
Personal picture
Personal text

Combat achievements
Successful noble claims (Silver - Level 3)

Conquer 50 claimed villages.

Conquest (Bronze - Level 2)

Conquer a total of 50 villages.

Leader (Bronze - Level 2)

Defeat a total of 100.000 enemy units.

Lucky fellow

Conquer a village by getting the loyalty down to exactly 0.


Conquer yourself, because that's the only way to show them who's boss.

Unlucky fellow

Fail to conquer a village due to the loyalty only being reduced to +1.

Growth achievements
Score champion (Silver - Level 3)

Climb the rankings tables and reach 100.000 points.

Other achievements
Years of Service (Silver - Level 3)

Play Tribal Wars for 3 years.