Map Ranking


Continent Tribes
Continent Players
Opponents defeated (tribe)
Opponents defeated
In a day
Rank Name Tribe Points Villages Points per village
151 - Rumph Wid Me ? C0FFEE 23.904 6 3984
152 sirbobthebuilder SNITCH 23.820 5 4764
153 Grave Digger SAKDA3 23.767 5 4753
154 SilentkiLL Drink2 23.553 7 3365
155 pipe748 COFF33 23.535 5 4707
156 God of 420 SO? 23.500 5 4700
157 Rand alThor92 SGS 23.306 5 4661
158 Jeff Saunier Ashes 23.241 4 5810
159 vapsjee Forced 23.205 4 5801
160 castelainjas AI 23.198 6 3866
161 xxDeathZone COFF33 23.021 6 3837
162 Bot-Shanks LYA 23.009 8 2876
163 Ravenswood 2 COFFE3 22.874 7 3268
164 Etzan Narr L.A. 22.813 7 3259
165 amaccaj SMS 22.793 5 4559
166 AriOx888 KINGS 22.635 6 3773
167 Walk With Me |P2| 22.517 7 3217
168 movest LYA 22.442 6 3740
169 notme0206 SGS 22.381 8 2798
170 kills SGS 22.346 7 3192
171 luffysenpai Calm 22.261 7 3180
172 Footballoverz Force2 22.210 4 5553
173 doklas Force2 22.177 6 3696
174 egrob +CT+ 22.143 5 4429
175 Phyxius KINGS3 21.950 6 3658
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