Map Ranking

Sakda smashes a building3

Tribe name:Sakda smashes a building3
Number of members:20
Points of the best 20 players1.242.580
Total points:1.242.580
Average points:62.129
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 3.150.378 (48.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
King Alea Iacta Est 1 447,253 98 59
JoeBags21 2 230,321 140 30
FrodoElGnomo 3 187,150 156 27
JameThailand 4 59,300 287 14
VincentiaTH 5 58,173 291 17
Tolyan 6 40,882 348 10
crezyykim 7 33,538 382 9
somsakmuu 8 31,014 401 6
Tipmanee 9 27,739 418 7
Taokae 10 25,191 440 4
ton3269 11 21,228 467 6
jdxspacecat 12 14,188 534 4
Sloth 13 12,573 554 7
nawat 14 11,341 574 2
Pinkpantherr 15 11,025 583 5
LogoBA 16 10,789 589 3
Cookier 17 7,541 680 1
ScrevvDriver2 18 5,392 774 1
ScrevvDriver 19 4,960 802 1
xx121225432 20 2,982 969 1
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