Map Ranking

Sakda smashes a building2

Tribe name:Sakda smashes a building2
Number of members:20
Points of the best 20 players517.747
Total points:517.747
Average points:25.887
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 8.757.698 (16.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
brooman 1 73,347 261 14
King Cobra 2 71,112 266 18
SpartaQ7 3 52,207 318 10
raideryou 4 49,056 324 13
Melquisedec 5 42,232 368 10
Topsy66 6 28,885 441 7
Reaper1991 7 28,147 448 10
Popo is Coming 8 24,865 469 3
Gringo 9 22,571 491 4
mausakari 10 21,343 510 4
TiSuMi 11 20,999 516 6
JRaze 12 20,858 518 7
kevinbs13 13 19,654 528 3
Degolf 14 15,210 600 3
krittachai44 15 10,426 698 2
FenrirWolf 16 8,642 761 2
sadailza95 17 4,419 985 1
PONGSAKORN 18 1,613 1364 1
matezaas 19 1,262 1443 1
Tarco 20 899 1555 1
Recruitment- Limited

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