Map Ranking

Puffy Pink Pastries

Tribe name:Puffy Pink Pastries
Number of members:20
Points of the best 20 players6.362.201
Total points:6.362.201
Average points:318.110
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 10.299.520 (15.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Pumping Iron 1 871,855 57 148
Lord Jeev 2 675,102 71 81
mita40 3 616,978 77 74
babyblue122 4 577,231 81 76
Lady Corina 5 446,563 94 64
PopDonut 6 402,291 99 73
Tato71000 7 299,787 118 41
Why So Serious? 8 293,698 121 40
Kakifly 9 244,922 127 42
whitefacejuniior 10 244,343 128 42
A Love Supreme 11 226,317 132 33
bloatedcherub 12 207,312 139 44
LarsMikaelPOWER 13 177,410 151 31
Schtev 14 176,811 152 23
bmeister 15 176,776 153 23
Primordial X 16 168,841 157 32
Roundhouse 17 152,977 165 27
Imro92 18 150,860 167 41
Jonthe445 19 140,800 177 19
Samurejen 20 111,327 197 24
If you have questions please contact babyblue122.