Map Ranking


Tribe name:3Hunna
Number of members:11
Points of the best 20 players261.439
Total points:261.439
Average points:23.767
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 9.536.382 (15.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Valkorion 1 56,202 302 9
xinqe 2 47,132 334 5
DarkF@rce 3 43,110 355 8
buang99 4 28,687 443 4
anthnmrtn 5 23,720 481 5
Trasktrollet 6 21,531 506 5
abgsheen88 7 21,032 515 3
crushZ 8 8,960 747 2
Abbow 9 6,211 856 1
21TheBest69 10 4,854 945 3
Imajenation 11 0 2387 0
300 was founded by Valkorion.

If you have questions please contact Valkorion.

This text can be changed by the tribal diplomats.