Map Ranking


Opponents defeated: 3.814.436 (68.)
Tribe: |R|

Villages (150) Coordinates Points
0000 Spy
422|508 10.971
0000. 0010
415|530 10.146
0001 Noble
421|498 10.971
0002 noble
408|512 10.971
0003 noble
427|510 10.971
0004 axe
422|501 10.838
0005 Spy
425|513 11.321
0006 Noble
421|503 10.971
0007 sword
427|506 11.321
0008 Spear
428|506 10.971
0009 Noble
423|511 11.321
0010 SWORD
364|527 10.971
0011 Ram
413|505 10.971
0012 Axe
407|515 11.968
0013 Ram
367|531 10.444
0014 Noble
366|526 10.971
0015 Ram
412|515 11.321
0016 Noble
431|511 10.543
0017 Ram
407|516 10.971
0018 Sword
421|505 11.321
0019 Spy
407|514 11.321
0020 Axe
424|505 10.971
0021 NOBLE
400|501 10.971
0022 RAM
399|500 10.971
0023 Spy
399|498 10.971
0024 Light
407|517 10.971
0025 Noble
403|507 11.021
0026 Axe
395|499 10.971
0027 Sword
407|496 10.971
0028 Ram
408|497 10.971
0029 Noble
405|515 11.321
0030 Spy
409|502 10.459
0031 Noble
408|501 11.618
0032 Axe
399|499 10.971
0033 Sword
409|514 10.971
0034 Spy
401|507 10.971
0035 Noble
398|527 10.971
0036 Noble
407|506 11.363
0037 Noble
407|507 10.971
0038 Axe
405|511 11.321
0039 Sword
399|507 10.971
0040 Noble
403|508 10.971
0041 Heavy
428|508 11.321
0042 Light
400|505 11.321
0043 Heavy
409|521 11.321
0044 Light
409|520 11.321
0045 Axe
399|516 10.971
0046 Sword
399|529 11.130
0047 Sword
401|521 10.971
0048 Noble
401|528 11.321
0049 Ram
425|515 11.321
0050 Noble
402|514 10.203
0051 Sword
408|509 10.971
0052 Noble
400|529 10.971
0053 Noble
426|514 10.122
0054 Ram
425|514 10.893
0055 Sword
428|509 7.788
0056 Noble
411|512 10.998
0057 Spy
418|511 10.110
0058 Light
400|528 11.130
0059 Heavy
398|530 12.098
0060 Axe
391|523 10.971
0061 Spear
425|510 6.795
0062 Noble
364|529 9.244
0063 Ram
407|519 6.974
0064 Light
398|518 11.321
0065 Heavy
397|529 10.173
0066 Axe
427|509 9.399
0067 Spy
420|511 10.020
0068 Noble
419|510 11.321
0069 Ram
423|515 9.542
0070 Noble
425|507 7.525
0071 Noble
409|498 6.750
0072 Sword
358|529 8.884
0073 Light
403|521 7.165
0074 Heavy
422|506 9.840
0075 Ram
416|513 10.045
0076 Noble
425|512 9.579
0077 Heavy
367|525 10.007
0078 Spy
414|505 10.867
0079 Axe
409|497 10.965
0080 Sword
409|507 8.249
0081 Light
396|529 10.514
0082 Noble
399|526 7.961
0083 Noble
402|522 8.310
0084 Axe
343|548 8.883
0085 Ram
339|553 10.115
0086 Noble
497|482 9.605
0087 Light
418|503 11.321
0088 Axe
414|504 11.130
0089 Axe
417|504 10.971
0090 Noble
415|503 10.971
0091 Ram
416|504 11.321
0092 Noble
398|526 5.651
0093 Noble
391|524 5.287
0094 Axe
415|502 11.321
0095 Axe
395|532 6.127
0096 Noble
403|545 5.075
0097 Spy
417|506 11.321
0098 Spy
393|524 4.483
Display all leftover 50 villages
Personal picture
Personal text
Trust me bro, I'm an Engineer. I like dogs

Swordsman jtaberr is under my protection

Hard Carry x Farm God

I was supposed to be a Snitch but scared of stitches

Victory achievements
Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 136 with your tribe And A Touch of the 'Tism.

Combat achievements
Self-attack (Silver - Level 3)

Attack yourself and lose more than 1.000 units in one battle.

Wallbreaker (Bronze - Level 2)

Destroy 250 Wall levels using your rams.

Lucky fellow

Conquer a village by getting the loyalty down to exactly 0.

Growth achievements
Wealth comes in gold (Silver - Level 3)

Mint 5.000 gold coins.

Achievements on other worlds
World 136