Map Ranking


Opponents defeated: 322.883 (127.)
Tribe: SGS

Villages (87) Coordinates Points
..009 Eregion
512|517 10.467
.Helms Deeper
556|521 7.096
001 Helms Deep
509|525 10.971
002 Erebor
507|520 10.971
003 Minas Tirith
512|522 10.971
004 Rivendell
512|523 10.971
005 The Shire
509|524 10.971
006 Moria
508|507 10.274
007 Fangorn Forest
506|509 10.971
008 Lothlorien
507|510 10.217
010 Isengard
515|523 10.203
011 Mount Doom
510|524 10.971
012 Gondor
509|530 10.971
013 Rohan
504|514 8.831
014 Bree
517|530 7.766
015 Edoras
512|526 7.542
016 Osgiliath
564|487 11.021
017 Dol Guldur
510|528 10.971
018 The Old Forest
573|486 10.773
019 Dead Marshes
566|484 7.904
020 WeatherTop
562|480 10.971
021 Ithilien
564|483 10.971
022 Anduin River
565|487 10.971
023 Minas Morgul
560|487 7.401
024 Paths of the Dead
566|482 7.302
025 Khazad-dum
512|524 12.154
026 Amon Hen
569|480 7.392
027 Amon Lhaw
509|533 7.818
028 Tol Brandir
507|534 9.887
029 Rauros Falls
508|530 10.077
030 Emyn Muil
507|530 10.678
031 Nindalf
509|532 7.255
032 Mount Gundabad
563|487 7.300
033 Iron Hills
508|527 7.102
034 Dimrill Dale
559|481 7.071
035 Caradhras
565|484 7.166
036 Fornost
560|482 7.065
037 Gladden Fields
562|483 7.228
038 Amon Sul
561|485 6.815
039 Dunharrow
562|485 6.667
040 The Grey Havens
565|482 6.182
041 The High Fells
562|486 6.772
042 The Black Gate
565|483 6.379
043 Pelennor Fields
560|486 6.347
044 Dagorlad
566|486 5.182
045 Numenor
560|485 5.428
046 Tol Eressea
571|487 6.407
047 The Tower of CU
570|485 5.126
048 Barad-dur
574|487 6.525
049 Hobbiton
572|487 8.635
050 Buckland
571|486 3.262
051 Michel Delving
509|513 2.625
052 The Brandywine River
573|488 2.828
053 Green Dragon Inn
508|518 9.598
054 Bag End
564|484 2.905
055 Orthanc
570|488 2.977
056 Rammas Echor
568|480 2.743
057 Rhosgobel
571|488 2.306
058 The Gladden Fields
506|513 4.324
059 Tharbad
514|530 5.125
060 Laketown
511|522 5.009
061 Lake Evendim
509|527 10.045
062 The Withered Heath
507|507 2.506
063 Gundabad
573|483 2.417
064 The Halls of Mandos
574|485 2.751
065 Meneltarma
567|481 2.423
066 The Lonely Mountain
504|519 8.527
067 Bree-land
506|516 5.677
068 Green Hill Country
508|519 3.232
069 Hobbiton Road
506|518 10.507
070 Firien Wood
507|517 5.957
071 Tumladen
559|487 2.216
072 The Gap of Rohan
570|486 2.224
073 The Tower of Amon Sul
568|484 2.271
074 The Hill of Seeing
515|529 2.155
075 Rangers Hideout
515|530 1.947
076 The Wold
514|528 1.972
077 Fangorn Vale
515|531 1.967
078 The Fords of Isen
516|525 1.927
079 The Fords of Isen
559|488 1.399
080 Parth Galen
515|527 1.762
081 The Enedwaith
515|524 1.587
082 Lamedon
517|526 1.039
083 Dor-en-Ernil
567|488 1.212
084 Harad
514|521 1.205
085 Khand
513|518 6.050
086 Lossarnach
513|517 3.355
Personal picture
Personal text
Accepting gifted villages

Daily achievements
4x Looter of the day

Plunder the most resources in this world.

Best result: on 05.12.2024 (6.538.536 resources)

7x Gatherer of the day

Scavenge the most resources in this world.

Best result: yesterday (4.724.674 resources)

Combat achievements
Plunderer (Gold - Level 4)

Plunder resources from other villages 10.000 times.

Robber (Silver - Level 3)

Loot a total of 1.000.000 resources.

Conquest (Bronze - Level 2)

Conquer a total of 50 villages.

Leader (Bronze - Level 2)

Defeat a total of 100.000 enemy units.

Reliable Commander (Bronze - Level 2)

Support other players 100 times in battles.

Demolisher (Wood - Level 1)

Destroy 25 building levels using catapults.

Master of the Battlefield (Wood - Level 1)

Completely destroy 25 hostile armies.

Nobles Faith (Wood - Level 1)

Defeat a nobleman in battle.

Growth achievements
Top scorer (Gold - Level 4)

Make it into the top 1 in the world.

Other achievements
Years of Service (Gold - Level 14)

Play Tribal Wars for 14 years.