Map Ranking


Continent Tribes
Continent Players
Opponents defeated (tribe)
Opponents defeated
In a day

Player ranking for the continent 55

Rank Name Tribe Points Villages Total villages
26 Jchic ADS 195.274 20 115
27 Snuff1997 SNITCH 160.283 23 47
28 Gunman MiSeRy 153.286 22 25
29 JonnyBoy6969 MISFIT 143.288 22 22
30 *STATS |P2| 136.743 15 323
31 self-attack 129.290 28 28
32 Nam the Destroyer MiSeRy 118.008 20 29
33 DarkShepherd Drink2 111.152 18 29
34 Sole Survivor Drink 103.009 12 210
35 DeAdMaX Drink 89.533 10 109
36 SirNutrag COFFE3 86.055 11 11
37 Al-Fatih Drink 80.490 8 209
38 Ellison01 MISFIT 79.992 14 14
39 movest ADS 65.336 8 125
40 NODUS SgetS 59.797 8 22
41 Mæthelstan COFF3E 59.603 8 8
42 Valkorion 300 59.095 7 16
43 Zgobituary COFFE3 56.693 11 11
44 Truthfulruse Blades 53.876 12 13
45 Obscura COFFE3 52.127 5 5
46 DarkF@rce 300 49.609 9 9
47 xinqe 300 49.371 5 5
48 KKela 49.033 5 5
49 blood90 ADS 46.126 6 64
50 Bigchungus WW3 45.056 8 10
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