Map Ranking


Continent Tribes
Continent Players
Opponents defeated (tribe)
Opponents defeated
In a day

Opponents defeated (Tribes)

As attacker As defender As supporter Total
Rank Tribe name Defeated
1 Romans have traps 84,17 Mil.
2 Axe Delivery Service 52,74 Mil.
3 Pour Decisions 40,57 Mil.
4 Snitches get Stitches 38,05 Mil.
5 Phalanx 2 22,51 Mil.
6 Pour Decisions2 22,32 Mil.
7 The AIKEA Tribe 15,87 Mil.
8 Lust of the Caffeinated 9,83 Mil.
9 Sakda smashes a building 8,62 Mil.
10 Sup Delivery Service 6,45 Mil.
11 Envy of the Caffeinated 6,37 Mil.
12 StraW HaT CreW 6,27 Mil.
13 Got Stitched 5,85 Mil.
14 Puffy Pink Pastries 5,50 Mil.
15 Gluttony of the Caffeinated 5,05 Mil.
16 OMEGA 4,39 Mil.
17 Sloth of the Caffeinated 2,72 Mil.
18 Yet Another Mediocre Squad 2,57 Mil.
19 STONKS 2,32 Mil.
20 Internal for the win 2,26 Mil.
21 Pride of the Caffeinated 2,04 Mil.
22 Sakda smashes a building2 2,04 Mil.
23 HaveSomeFun 1,99 Mil.
24 TENAX 1,78 Mil.
25 Rebel Knights United 1,70 Mil.
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