Map Ranking

Union of Warriors

Tribe name:Union of Warriors
Number of members:14
Points of the best 20 players56.279
Total points:56.279
Average points:4.020
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 4.164.104 (50.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
LordCaim14 1 44,815 185 13
NiTeYoDa 2 4,301 302 5
Jozgrad 3 4,265 304 1
Winterstorm 4 1,022 431 1
anvilsmith 5 363 544 1
Dodoka 6 341 552 1
King Joe 7 297 572 1
Queen Lura 8 296 573 1
satrio nuswantoro 9 206 629 1
Harald 10 188 648 1
kajekk321 11 159 671 1
Old Mate 12 26 800 1
shaggey69 13 0 935 0
Icatia 14 0 1056 0
UW was founded by satrio nuswantoro. If you have questions please contact satrio nuswantoro.

This text can be changed by the tribal diplomats.