Map Ranking

Pour Decisions2

Tribe name:Pour Decisions2
Number of members:17
Points of the best 20 players11.049.651
Total points:11.049.651
Average points:649.979
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 204.007.610 (5.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
mirehuina 1 3,007,823 38 287
niksome 2 1,839,139 63 200
--UltraEgo-- 3 1,463,096 77 140
damagekentut 4 1,208,200 83 115
Ravenswood 2 5 715,662 92 100
Legionella 6 689,157 96 100
nunga 7 536,416 106 63
Ronnel9998 8 431,969 113 73
LikeMikeBike 9 318,484 120 33
Mr.chombynec 10 189,057 135 19
Lord scipio africanus 11 179,737 138 18
stijn11111 12 169,498 142 18
Sole Survivor 13 126,480 153 11
Cr4nkypant5 14 73,123 169 10
Specter 15 36,899 192 16
Wokka 16 36,529 193 4
THE GOD OF PENETRATION 17 28,382 202 3
If you have questions please contact Big Bosss

Sister of