Map Ranking

Lust of the Caffeinated

Tribe name:Lust of the Caffeinated
Number of members:2
Points of the best 20 players1.332
Total points:1.332
Average points:666
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 29.971.830 (9.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Sword Sister 1 1,332 962 3
Tiger of Summer 2 0 1582 0
We are the LUST of the Caffienated, a tribe fueled by the power of pure, unadulterated caffeine! Led by the legendary Oni111 himself, we're on a mission to conquer the world... one energy drink at a time. Forget sleep, embrace the grind, and join us as we forge the largest, most caffeinated family the gaming world has ever seen! coffeefiremuscle

Contact: oni111

Don't miss out on the other sinful tribes in our great family:

C0FFEE - Gluttony of the Caffeinated
COFF3E - Sloth of the Caffeinated
COFF33 - Envy of the Caffeinated
COFFE3 - Pride of the Caffeinated
C0FF33 - Lust of the Caffeinated
C0FF3E - Greed of the Caffeinated

Together, we'll dominate the leaderboards and leave a trail of empty cans in our wake. Who needs sleep when you have caffeine and camaraderie?