Map Ranking

Pour Decisions

Tribe name:Pour Decisions
Number of members:20
Points of the best 20 players41.677.829
Total points:41.677.829
Average points:2.083.891
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 177.334.780 (2.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Bobby Spears 1 3,385,583 7 399
J3lack 2 2,756,431 14 316
Hendroipa1 3 2,695,358 15 326
Rajasit* * 4 2,676,660 16 278
Dilan1990 5 2,648,103 18 288
Vamler (Internal Czar) 6 2,568,014 21 294
Al-Fatih 7 2,547,778 22 293
sage69 8 2,459,218 23 263
Sole Survivor 9 2,157,402 26 253
God of 420 10 2,155,629 27 275
eleanor 11 2,112,065 28 224
Serbian Nightmare 12 1,863,949 35 204
Dylbo 13 1,668,881 40 203
Mikha Crispy 14 1,657,356 41 216
Bygone 15 1,614,549 42 212
Shikki 16 1,483,316 48 162
SilentkiLL 17 1,476,334 49 162
xBLUE 18 1,441,364 51 147
DeAdMaX 19 1,255,827 56 171
Big Bosss 20 1,054,012 65 153