Map Ranking

Puffy Pink Pastries

Tribe name:Puffy Pink Pastries
Number of members:18
Points of the best 20 players20.945.856
Total points:20.945.856
Average points:1.163.659
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 113.790.520 (7.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
BlueRock 1 2,919,566 39 316
PopDonut 2 2,746,022 47 263
The Hive Queen 3 2,302,932 56 228
mita40 4 1,846,077 61 189
Tato71000 5 1,777,203 66 193
Why So Serious? 6 1,767,455 68 164
Primordial X 7 1,404,747 78 176
Roundhouse 8 1,263,625 82 128
A Love Supreme 9 1,199,958 84 144
bloatedcherub 10 909,721 88 101
Schtev 11 622,592 101 63
Imro92 12 601,547 104 64
bmeister 13 511,233 109 53
Orkneyk 14 348,134 119 56
Z Mageman2 15 274,793 126 36
Superowl 16 185,472 136 16
eegg 17 140,036 150 23
SchouweilerN471991 18 124,743 155 13
If you have questions please contact BlueRock
